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Saturday Sourly: Limeade

Greetings!  You will, I'm sure, come to realize very quickly that I am not your Sweet Adeleine who is writing this blog post.  In fact, I am Addie Grace's momma.  Today our Sweet Adeleine has her hands full preparing for final exams, which start Tuesday.  But, fear not!  I have volunteered to substitute for her in this dire situation, in that,
the post must go on!

Today we will discuss making Limeade.  It all starts with a lime tree and 10 to 15 limes from that lime tree.

However, I must warn you---there are "unfriendlies" out there!  Beware!

I tried to snap a pic of one of the "unfriendlies", but the wind wanted to move the tree too much for focusing.
By "unfriendlies" I of course, mean the thorns. They are there to protect the fruit from looters like myself.  And let me tell you, they are diligent workers.   No worries, though.  Should you happen to scrape your arm or pierce a fingertip on one of these unfriendly characters defending the treasures, you will find your puncture soon enough!  Just as soon as you start squeezing limes, the acid in the juice will identify each and every little scratch for you.  But I am getting ahead of myself...we're not ready for squeezing limes yet!

First things first:  give your limes a rinse, cut them in half and use a citrus squeezer to juice them.
When your limes look something like this:
you are ready to add 1 cup sugar and 2 quarts water to your lime juice.
Stir well and set in the fridge to chill.  It won't take long before you have a tangy treat to sip this beautiful spring afternoon!
Addie Grace will be back to her blog in no time.  Until then, I hope you enjoy your limeade.  Leave Addie some feedback on how your limeade adventure turned out.  She always appreciates hearing back from readers.  Later!  ~Addie's Momma


  1. I really like limeaid. Come to think of it, I'm pretty fond of Addie also. But, it's Addie's mommy that I like the most!!

    1. Melissa A. FreemanMay 8, 2016 at 8:18 AM

      Love you, too! You get an extra glass of limeade!! <3


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