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Showing posts from October, 2015

Saturday Sweetly: Going Bananas

You might have guessed from the title of today's post were are making something banana related. And we are; I am going to give you the recipe for a quick and easy banana bread. Normally, I do not like bananas. I find their mushiness very unappetizing. Banana bread, however, I

¡Feliz, Feliz Cumpliaños! Mi Quinceñera

So my birthday was a couple weeks ago on the sixteenth. If you read my previous post on my brother's birthday , you know that each birthday we, the celebrated persons, get to choose the food and activities on the weekend closest to the actual day. Well, mine got pushed a little late due to chores and church activities that needed done, but I did not mind waiting one extra week. Makes me more excited for the gifts! Speaking of gifts, I got one from each person of my family. From August, I received a small bag of my favorite chips. My birthday gift from August. From Braden, I got a promise to take me to the first theater showing of the

Saturday Sweetly

In today's post of Saturday Sweetly, I will be sharing with you a Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheesecake recipe. This is actually a very simple recipe, but does take a chunk of time to bake. Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheescake So, these are the ingredients you will need:

Prepping for Christmas

Some of our ornaments are already out and hung on a tree in preparation for Christmas. And we have some premium ornaments, too; they change colors during the months! They start off a nice dark green that blends in with the leaves around them, and slowly melt into a bright orange color. If you have not figured it out yet, we have some orange trees in our orchard, and they are already preparing to give my family some fruit. Seems to me like a sense of humor by God to give us such pretty ornaments that turn orange during Christmas months!

Saturday Sweetly

In today's Saturday Sweetly, we will be making a do-nothing cake. This is a pineapple-flavored cake with a salty/sweet nut topping. So, as always, the first step is to preheat your oven, this time to 350ºF. These are the ingredients for

Zoo day

We recently took a trip to the Gladys Porter Zoo with some friends. We spent about half the day in the zoo, then went to a picnic area/ playground nearby and had lunch and some fun. If you want to see more photos of our trip, check them at Iglesia Bautista Esperanza's Facebook page here. Have any funny zoo experiences? Feel free to share them with me through Facebook or the blog's comment section.

Saturday Savory

Here I am again, with another savory meal item for you. And it is chicken, too! What can I say, I love chicken. Anyways, today I give you the recipe for Worcestershire-marinated chicken breasts. To start off you will need boneless, skinless chicken breasts, Worcestershire sauce, a bowl to marinade in and a sharp knife to butcher the meat.  Seasoning for the chicken includes: Salt, pepper, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce. You will most likely need to trim some fat off the chicken, and also watch out for little pieces of

Annual Church Picnic 2015

Sorry this post is coming out so late in the day; I am still new to a lot of features on Picasa and spent a lot of time playing with some features on it to make this video. This is just some of the pictures from a church picnic we had on Saturday. If you would like to see the rest of the photos, feel free to check them out at .

Saturday Savory

I got busy preparing for the picnic (my next post will cover that) so I am sorry this is a little late. Anywho, there's no sweets in today's post, but I am going to share with you the best pulled chicken in Texas! To start the process, you will need one whole chicken. You need to "give it a bath" as my Mom calls it, which means take out all the giblets, and rinse the chicken well (inside and out). Next, place it in a crock pot with enough water to cover it and turn the heat on low. After cooking the chicken for about 6-8 hours on low, it is going to be falling apart.Next,you need to take out the bones, gristle and fat and, this is the hard part, shred up the meat without eating it all! Some people like it shredded in almost a mush, and others like it long and stringy like spaghetti. Now your chicken is ready for two things. You can either put it in the freezer and keep it until you need it, or