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¡Feliz, Feliz Cumpliaños! Mi Quinceñera

So my birthday was a couple weeks ago on the sixteenth. If you read my previous post on my brother's birthday, you know that each birthday we, the celebrated persons, get to choose the food and activities on the weekend closest to the actual day. Well, mine got pushed a little late due to chores and church activities that needed done, but I did not mind waiting one extra week. Makes me more excited for the gifts! Speaking of gifts, I got one from each person of my family. From August, I received a small bag of my favorite chips.

My birthday gift from August.

From Braden, I got a promise to take me to the first theater showing of the

Mockingjay movie, as I love that series. And from Mom and Dad I got a brand new camera! 

I had a camera like this before---but I might have fallen on it and broken the screen... Anyways, this is good news for both you and me, as it means there will be less blurry photos as I use my new camera instead of my phone to take photos!

Photo using old camera.
 Old phone camera v.s. new camera
First photo with my new camera.

Bo is none too impressed with it.

Bo is not amused.
Now that we have talked about the presents, we can discuss the food. For my birthday cake, I chose a ......wait for it...waaaiiiit foooor iiiiiit...Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheesecake! Big coincidence, right? No, I actually did a post on my birthday cake before my birthday. If you missed that post, feel free to check it out here. Also, here is a picture of the cake with my birthday decor.

My decorated birthday cake: Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheesecake.

And here I am with my birthday cake.

I missed two candles when I blew them out!
Also, you may remember August had two cakes for his birthday? Well, I did, too, and I feel very special.  ;)  We had a small get together after Sunday Morning service last week (the 18th) and had some cake and punch.

My birthday at church

All in all, I have a had a great birthday celebration. Thank you to everyone for the cards, gifts and well wishes!

P.S. -- Sorry this is coming out so late in the day. We had a bit of excitement involving a rattlesnake in the backyard today.  For more information, please check my Dad's Facebook page here.


  1. Happy Birthday, Addie Grace!!!

  2. Looks like you had a great time on your birthday. I'm glad. Love you.

  3. Happy Birthday! Take lots of purty photos with that shiny new camera!


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