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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Great Red Dragon of Revelation 12

Sorry this post is a little late! I wanted this project to be done last Sunday, but I kept noticing details that could be added to make it a little better. This post might seem a little random, but it helped me to practice the drawing skills and techniques that I know. This includes: drawing dragon heads, adding small details to half-finished ideas, and adding shading. The idea for this design came from my Mom, when she saw me drawing dragon head designs and challenged me to draw the seven-headed dragon from Revelation 12:3 "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." My initial idea looked like this: Click to enlarge. I realized that this wouldn't work, for my drawing skills at least, so I changed the design to this: Click to enlarge. I wanted a large center head that captured attention, so I worked on that next: Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. F

July in Christmas

I'm currently working on a graphic design to post here on the blog, but since it is not finished yet I thought I would post a little something from the PCC Blog again. I always enjoy these short posts written by the students there, and the one I chose today was written by Sean on December 11, 2015. Here it is: I come from Illinois, where winter temperatures usually range from about zero to the low thirties, and snow on any day other than Christmas is not a wonder but the norm. Many of you that come from "Yankee territory" know the sort of weather I'm talking about, but Floridians take a different attitude. To some Floridians, snow is almost more myth than reality. Since I've been here, we've had snow once, and even then, it was less snow and more frost and freezing rain. But I've never seen so many people as excited to see a quarter-inch of snow ever before or since. What I marvel at is the weather we usually have here. We're only two weeks from