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Saturdat Sweetly: Chocolate Fudge

MMM, Fudge! I love fudge. Maybe because it is pure sugar rush, maybe because it is chocolate; I don't know. What I do know is that this is one of my favorite recipes, and it is so simple!

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Now, right off the bat, I am going to lay the ingredients on you. Are you ready? I am
not sure how you will ever remember them all. Here they are: chocolate chips, condensed milk, and vanilla. Do you think you can handle that? I am just kidding of course. If you want the specifics, it is:

  • 18 ounces (3 cups) chocolate chips
  • 14 ounces condensed milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
The only hard part of this recipe is to not scorch the chocolate, and we have made that easier, too. The first step is to cover your 8x8 container with wax paper.

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The fudge will most definitely stick if you don't, plus this makes it easier to cut. We will get to that in a minute though. Next is to:

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Normal fudge recipes call for you to cook your chocolate over the stove, but this is so much easier. Once the chocolate is smooth, add in the vanilla and stir.

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Now the only thing left is to spread the fudge in the 8x8 container and place it in the fridge for 2 to 3 hours, or until firm. Voila! Delicious fudge in five minutes. Now, remember the wax paper? When the fudge is hardened and it comes time to cut it, just lift the entire block of fudge out of the container and place it on a cutting mat. Now you don't have to worry about chipping your glass container while cutting through the fudge. Next week, I will be giving you another fudge recipe. Do you have any fudge recipes you love?


  1. I do like this fudge, but I'm really looking forward to next week's version also!!

  2. Super easy!!

  3. I love fudge too. Can't decide if I like chocolate or peanut butter better.I have an easy recipe for peanut butter fudge but it cooks on the stove and has 4 ingredients.
    2 cups sugar
    1/2 cup milk
    1 tsp vanilla
    3/4 cup peanut butter
    Bring sugar & milk to a boil.
    Boil for 2-1/2 minutes, remove from heat and stir in the peanut butter and vanilla.
    Pour into 8x8 pan that has been buttered or lined with wax paper. Cool, then cut into squares.
    Grampy and I both love this recipe.

    1. Thanks, my Nana Anderson might like this recipe because it has peanut butter.


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