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Showing posts from May, 2016

In Flanders Fields

Seeing as it is Memorial Day, a day to honor fallen soldiers, I thought I would share with you a poem I have read multiple times. This poem is "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae: In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row,     That mark our place; and in the sky     The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,     Loved and were loved, and now we lie     In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw     The torch; be yours to hold it high.     If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow     In Flanders fields.

Saturday Savory: Summer Pasta Salad

Memorial Day is close, and everyone is preparing for a cookout with burgers and hot dogs and salads of all types. Thus, today I will share with you a recipe for a nice cold summer salad great for picnics and outings. Click to enlarge. This recipe is very simple, with just one item to cook. The rest is just stirring! So, here are

A Penny Saved...

     Have you ever heard the phrase: "A penny saved is a penny earned"? I commonly follow this saying by finding pennies dropped on the floor or ground and picking them up. Once, when I found a penny, I gave it to a little girl from our church, Ashley. She did not want it, however, as she did not know what the use of one penny is.      Well, just yesterday we went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. As we were walking through the park, I noticed a penny. Cool! I grabbed it and put it in my fanny pack I was wearing. A short time later, I found another penny. Grabbed it, dropped it in the pack. Then I found another, and

Mujeres de Esperanza: Craft a Hanger

In the past, I have mentioned the ladies fellowship (called Mujeres de Esperanza, or Women of Hope) we hold at church. Every month we get together, no guys allowed, to have a little fellowship. The activities include: a small snack and drink, a short lesson, and a simple craft made of easy materials. Every so often, a member will volunteer to show how to make a simple craft. Today, Hermana María de los Angeles Hernández volunteered to show us how to make a pretty hanger for clothes, specifically pants. Hermana María is the lady dressed all in pink. Click to enlarge. So this blog post will be all about the craft that we started, but did not manage to finish, today. First, the essential materials are these:

Tribal Horse coloring page

Summer is here! Yay! Now that I have lots of free time, I will be starting a few different projects. One of them is an ArtZone tribal horse coloring page, approx. 18x24 inches in size. I love horses, and usually like coloring, so this project was perfect. I have already started a little, and here is my progress. So now all you have to do is wait! By the end of summer, this horse should be all colored in how I like. The last day of summer, I will make a post on my horse poster, to show how it looks then. See you soon!

When in Rome...

Remember from a couple weeks ago, when I asked for suggestions of what to make in Adobe Photoshop? I know, it's been while, but I got a suggestion from my Dad, and I have been working to make it. He asked me to do this: How about a photo of you on vacation - somewhere you've never been but would really like to go!      Nothing too specific, he left quite a bit of room for imagination; and I took complete advantage of that fact. I really love horses, and thus I started by looking around at different spots that I could go horse riding. For example, my first thought was me, sitting on a horse, looking out over the sprawling plains in Colorado or someplace. However, then my creative juices started working, and I went with something a little less...normal.

A Day at Falcon State Park

Well, recently a couple came from back East somewhere and brought a trailer full of bikes with them. They came to help my church in any way possible, but their specialty was they could fix bikes. I happen to have bought my Mom's old ten speed mountain bike a few years back, and it needed some minor tweaks. No one else in the family had a working bike any more. So, when this couple came, I asked my bike to be fixed, and everyone else chose a bike to keep. Since we now have new (to us) bikes, my family and I decided to go ride the trails at Falcon State Park. Click to Enlarge. This is a large lake right on the edge of Mexico; in fact, the border between the two countries is somewhere in the middle of the lake. Here is a not-so-encouraging sign near

Saturday Sourly: Limeade

Greetings!  You will, I'm sure, come to realize very quickly that I am  not  your Sweet Adeleine who is writing this blog post.  In fact, I am Addie Grace's momma.  Today our Sweet Adeleine has her hands full preparing for final exams, which start Tuesday.  But, fear not!  I have volunteered to substitute for her in this dire situation, in that,

My Planner at a Glance

The end is nigh!