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A Day at Falcon State Park

Well, recently a couple came from back East somewhere and brought a trailer full of bikes with them. They came to help my church in any way possible, but their specialty was they could fix bikes. I happen to have bought my Mom's old ten speed mountain bike a few years back, and it needed some minor tweaks. No one else in the family had a working bike any more. So, when this couple came, I asked my bike to be fixed, and everyone else chose a bike to keep. Since we now have new (to us) bikes, my family and I decided to go ride the trails at Falcon State Park.
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This is a large lake right on the edge of Mexico; in fact, the border between the two countries is somewhere in the middle of the lake. Here is a not-so-encouraging sign near
the boat dock, where we parked.
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However, we forged ahead onto the bike trails, after watching some javelinas cross the parking lot.
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We actually saw quite a few of these javelinas, along with some rabbits, who were (unfortunately) camera-shy. Here is an example photo off of Google.
Image result for brown rabbit
So, here are the photos of our trip in the Falcon State Park.
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It rained very lightly while we were there, but Mom and I got stuck out in the worst of it at on point.
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My bike was the pack mule, carrying our drinks and other essentials. It refused to stand up straight on its own.
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And that was our adventure! We had a lot of fun, and we are all a little sore. We did not have any major mishaps, until we got home. The first thing Dad did when he left the car was hug the ground, as August had been the one driving. The ground kissed him back by letting two small fire ants crawl onto his hand and bite it. Then, as Braden walked back to his room, he was stung by a wasp. So, apparently our house is more dangerous than the state park. ;) Just thought I would share our day with you, hope you enjoyed.


  1. Melissa A. FreemanMay 10, 2016 at 4:47 PM

    Looking forward to going back!


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