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Showing posts from November, 2016

Monday Munchies: Chicken and Stuffing Bake

Today I have a simple recipe great for the cold weather that is simple, too! Click the image to enlarge. This recipe only has four ingredients, if you don't count the water, and only requires bake time in the oven. The ingredients needed are:

There is a friend...

As many of you probably know from Facebook, we have had ten students from a local Bible college staying with us since Wednesday. This is the second group we have had, the last group having come at Easter this year. The common factor between these groups is language; most of the students speak very little English. Now, admittedly, this should not really be a problem because I should know the language a little better than I do after living here for 5 years; however, I still do not speak fluently. Really, my extent of Spanish knowledge is understanding what they are saying, but not being able to respond in Spanish. However, even my parents, who can speak Spanish very well, occasionally forget a word or

Monday Munchies: Polynesian Sausage

Today I have a simple recipe great for cold weather days. Click the image to enlarge. This is a sweet and salty dish that reminded my Mom of Chinese food, like sweet and sour. Also, despite its numerous ingredients, it is actually pretty simple to make. Here is what you

My New Shirt

If you'll remember back to about three weeks ago, I had a post about my birthday. In my description of my gifts, I said August gave me a white shirt for which I could choose a design, and that I chose this design, but with different colors.  If you missed that post, look here.  Well, here we are three weeks later and he finished my shirt now! It took some work on his part, tracing the photo and embroidering it, but I really love the shirt. A far shot so you can see the size. Click the image to enlarge. A close shot so you  can see detail. Click the image to enlarge. What is even better about this shirt is that it is college approved! At PCC, the only emblems or logos allowed have to be a certain size. So, we figured out that size and made this according to it. I really like my new shirt and look forward to wearing it soon; thanks for the gift August!

Monday Munchies: No Bake Cookies

Today I have a family favorite that can be a cold-weather treat or a simple-to-make snack for anytime. Now, it is debatable as to whether these are a cookie or a candy. Since they have no flour or leavening, they might be a candy; but I have always heard of these as "No Bake Cookies" or

Rights Come With Responsibility

Today I want to share with you a report I had to write for my American Government class. I was told to read a specific section of the book, and then answer the following question:  How does Russell Kirk reveal the truth that, "For every right, there is a corresponding responsibility; for every privilege, there is a corresponding duty"? Here is my report on the subject.        A segment of my history book contains a portion of Russel Kirk's book, The American Cause. This portion talks of the Founders' decision to form a Bill of Rights and other freedom-

Monday Munchies: Chicken Pot Pie

I have a nice warm recipe to share with you as we get into the cold part of the year. This is a personal favorite of mine, and is super easy to make, too! Click the image to enlarge. Now, my Mom recently told me that many people consider this a very hard dish to make, which I never knew because my Mom always used this recipe. It only has four ingredients and

Is Voting Enough?

Today I have a thought-provoking article from  answersingenesis  written by Tony Perkins. This article talked about the importance of voting, and other responsibilities you have in the government. I read through the article and copied what I thought were the most important points to put here. If you want to simply read the whole, original article, click here. (Begin Perkins) First let’s define what we mean by “politics.” Politics is the process by which our government and the policies that govern us are shaped. Unfortunately, when the word politics is used, too many people limit the