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Monday Munchies: Chili

I know I usually post recipes on Saturday, but I was rather busy on Saturday with the Ladies of Esperanza meeting (see those photos here) and school and a blog post, so I switched which days I did which post. I hope that makes sense. Anyways, I have for you today another chilly day recipe, which is chili!
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This recipe is very simple, as all you have to do is gather ingredients and let them cook in a crock pot all day. The hardest part of this recipe would be browning up the
meat. Speaking of the meat, here are the ingredients needed for this recipe.

  • 2 pounds ground meat
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cans  (15oz each) diced tomatoes
  • 1 can (12oz)  tomato paste
  • 2 cans (15oz each) kidney beans
  • 2 packages (1.25oz each) chili spice
  • 2 cups water

Click to Enlarge
We used chili ready tomatoes, because this is chili! We also used two colors of kidney beans, for variety, but you can use any kidney bean you prefer. Now, the first step in this recipe is put the ground meat, onion, and green pepper in a pan to cook together. Once the meat is fully cooked, let it sit while you finish preparing the other ingredients.
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Click to Enlarge
And by "preparing" I mean opening all the cans up. This will give your forearm a nice workout at least! Now you can scrape the meat into the crock pot, and pour the rest of the  ingredients on top. The order of pouring them in really does not matter, because now you need to stir it all together. Once everything is inside the crock pot and stirred together, place the heat on low and let it sit there all day. Come dinner time, you will have a delicious, steaming pot of chili! Have you ever made or had an awesome chili recipe? Feel free to share it with me through Facebook or the comment section below.


  1. A nice hot bowl of chili, with cornbread of course, is a welcome sight on a cold day! I know your momma has a nice home-made chili sauce recipe too.....looking forward to her making that again some time if we can ever get enough tomatoes and peppers to grow!


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