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Showing posts from August, 2015

My Pet Rocks

A few months ago, during the spring, we had a project at the Ladies Fellowship. We were going to make our own pet rocks. Well, not exactly. The project was to make a "garden buddy" by painting an oval rock to look like a ladybug. Everyone did excellent at painting theirs, and now we each have a yellow ladybug garden buddy.The other day, however, I decided I wanted a red ladybug. So, I found a rock, got out the paint and newspaper, and set to work. Now I have two buddies to keep me company, although I keep mine in my room and not a garden.                                                                                                                                                                            My two little "garden" buddies.   If you want to know how to make these cute little pet rocks, here are some instructions. Step 1: Find a nice, round or oval rock and clean off all loose dirt. Step 2: Gather black, yellow and red paint, a black sharpie,

When In Doubt, Ask Hermana Martha

Recently I took up the hobby of jewelry making. My Nana Edelen said she had some tools and beads she was giving away, and it sparked my interest so I took it to mess around with. It's very interesting, though I had no idea what to do when I first got it. I found some instructions on a box, and just sat and thought a little bit on the rest of it. I eventually made some earrings and gave them away to a friend at church. Read More... These are the earrings I made for a friend at church.

Why Am I So Sweet?

Some of you may have been wondering why I called my blog Sweet Adeleine. Well, here is a video showing the origin of the phrase "Sweet Adeleine," which is, of course, my name.

And Many More!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear August, Happy Birthday to you! For those of you who might not have known, today was my brother August's birthday. Every birthday, the person being celebrated gets to choose everything from foods to activities on the weekend closest to the special day. I'm not going to go into the details of every minute of our weekend, but I am going to show you some of the fattening foods and the (sometimes boring) games we had fun with.   Read More... Double-decker brownie pizza with marshmallows,oreos,and M&Ms melted on top.

My New Blog

This is my new blog about my life. While for now this is going to be a diary-like blog, I hope one day that this will be a cooking blog. For now, though, this will be a text-and-picture blog of my everyday life. This is me from May 10, 2015.