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My Pet Rocks

A few months ago, during the spring, we had a project at the Ladies Fellowship. We were going to make our own pet rocks. Well, not exactly. The project was to make a "garden buddy" by painting an oval rock to look like a ladybug. Everyone did excellent at painting theirs, and now we each have a yellow ladybug garden buddy.The other day, however, I decided I wanted a red ladybug. So, I found a rock, got out the paint and newspaper, and set to work. Now I have two buddies to keep me company, although I keep mine in my room and not a garden.
My two little "garden" buddies.
  If you want to know how to make these cute little pet rocks, here are some instructions.

  • Step 1: Find a nice, round or oval rock and clean off all loose dirt.
  • Step 2: Gather black, yellow and red paint, a black sharpie, school glue and two googly eyes.
  • Step 3: Depending on whether you want your buddy red or yellow, paint the entire rock that color.
  • Step 4: Pick a side to be the top, and paint one end of that side black (as shown above) to be the head.
  • Step 5: Paint a black line to the very edge of the rock, to show the wings.
  • Step 6: Dip the blunt, plastic end of the paintbrush in paint to dot the spots on the ladybug's back.
  • Step 7: Draw the antenna using the sharpie.
  • Step 8: Use school glue to attach the googly eyes to the head portion of the rock.
  • Step 9: Enjoy!


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