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My Book-Reading Hobby

Today I'm going to talk with you briefly about books. I know a lot of people don't like to read a lot, or even a little! My brother, August, is one of those type people: he can play a video game for hours, but just picking up a reading book seems to give him a headache. I, however, love books. I could read books for hours, and I sometimes do! Here's an example of some of the books I like to read.

Click To Enlarge
Not really a matching set is it? I have a wide variety of tastes, from mythology to
spy books to dragon riders and more. I also love the westerns with the daring cowboys and the mysterious Indians. So, I  would like pretty much any book you could hand me, except love stories. I mean, I have read some like Cassidy by Lori Wick and Texas Angel by Judith Pella, but I much prefer books with shootouts or daring escapes like the ones shown above. So, there you have it! This is a brief summary of the books I like. What books catch your interest, whether for a short time or hours on end?


  1. I like the classics! They have more meat to the storylines. More foreshadowing, symbolism, etc. However, I do enjoy a few contemporary authors like Suzanne Collins and Gilbert Morris. The House of Winslow series is probably my favorite contemporary book series.

    1. I like the House of Winslow too, especially the Western themed books! ;)

  2. I have always loved books. I thank my 1st grade teacher, Mrs. George, for teaching me to read and love books. Also my mother for encouraging me to read well.
    You're right that some people don't like reading. Your Dad and Aunt Suzy loved reading when they were young....Uncle James, not so much. He's more of an outdoor, hands-on kind of guy. I guess we each have our strengths. ;)

    1. Yeah, Dad is the fastest reader in the house now. Braden and I trail close behind him, though.


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