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Our Minecraft Castles 3

Considering it has been almost half a year since the last Minecraft post, I thought it was time for another one.
Click the image to enlarge.
The first update is that I found a new skin for my character that matches building castles perfectly. It is pictured above, and is a knight in armour. Now, to help jog your memories of
what I showed you last time, here is a collage of the pictures in the last post.
Click the image to enlarge.
Ok. So now you have a general idea of what is going on. If you still don't remember what happened last time, or did not see the posts, here are links to the other two Minecraft posts I have made.
Today I will start with August's kingdom, which has some improvements, but mainly "techy" stuff only he gets. This is his first "techy" machine, a secret door to his kingdom.
The hidden door. Click the image to enlarge.
Doesn't look like much from this side, does it? If the lever and wood piece in the picture were not there, which they don't technically need to be, then the door would be completely hidden from my kingdom's side. From August's side of the map, this is what it looks like:
Click the image to enlarge.
Now that the door is open, you can see it from my side:
Click the image to enlarge.
So, there is one project August spent hours figuring out. He then moved on to something a little simpler, a new entrance to his castle. He decided he did not like the blue-stoned entrance he had before, and got rid of it completely. Now the entrance looks like this:
The wood frame to August's entrance. Click the image to enlarge.
The stone exterior to August's new entrance. Click the image to enlarge.
Once that was done, he also put in some twin fountains just inside the gate of his castle walls.
One of August's fountains. Click the image to enlarge.
Now ready for some more headache-inducing redstone work, August made some improvements to his village area. This is an automatic harvesting idea he has started, but not perfected yet.
This idea would eliminate the need for farmers; all you would
need to do is flick a switch. Click the image to enlarge.
Also, August gave the village a wall that goes up and down using a combination. (The first medieval passcode) This makes the game slow down considerably each time he moves the wall, however, so we try not to use it too much. The gray square outlining the entire village except the farm is the wall.
The wall August made for his village, shown from very high up.
Click the image to enlarge.
That is most of the progress August has made on his kingdom; now, onto my kingdom.
Not being the tech savvy that August is, I focus more on the details of making my kingdom awe-inspiring through construction and decoration, rather than automation. The last time you saw my castle, I had just completed the walls and was going to start the castle itself. Since then, I have made major progress. None of my construction needs too much explanation, I think, so just take a look:
Click the image to enlarge.
Click the image to enlarge.
Click the image to enlarge.
The inner guard tower has a spiral staircase leading to the top, as opposed to the outer castle wall's towers, which have a simple wooden ladder to save space. I designed some new banners for my castle, since I did not really like the old ones.
Click the image to enlarge.
Also added in is a lava-filled glass bridge that you go under to enter the main throne room. The throne room had no throne at the time I took the photos, but it does now and I can show it to you next time.
The lava-filled glass bridge. 
My throne room had no throne yet, also the light boxes
will be replace with more fitting light sources. Click the image to enlarge.
To the left of the lava bridge is a barracks room that I guess (did not count exactly) would hold about 100 people.

That is basically all the improvements we had made at the time. Since I took the photos, we have added even more cool stuff in. Maybe I can make another Minecraft post sooner than half a year later with the stuff we did since these photos. ;) I hope you liked this glimpse into what August and I have done with some of our spare time recently.If you have any comments, leave it below or on Facebook.


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