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Showing posts from December, 2016

Last Vacation of the Year!

          After our Christmas celebration was over, my family and I had some work to do. We needed to prepare for a 4 day trip to see Braden at his new home in Dallas. The packing was a little difficult, as we were not sure of the weather because it keeps changing from the forecast. We decided to pack heavy with layers of clothing that could be removed as needed. The second issue was the dogs. We planned to take the 12 passenger white van we have so there would be plenty of room, but we needed to protect the seats from dirt and dog hair. To do so, we put a few old sheets across the benches so they would catch the dog hair; unfortunately, these sheets did not protect our clothes when the dogs decided to cuddle! Bo takes a nap with Mom in the back bench seat. Click the image to enlarge. Click the image to enlarge.           Haha! They loved to snuggle up close; especially Argos, who would leave his half of the

"Soon It Will Be Christmas Day!"

Click the image to enlarge.

"Christmas Light" Chiles

So, we have a couple of unique plants in our backyard that seem to be fitted perfectly to the Christmas season. Click the image to enlarge. These little chile peppers start to bloom around November and will have their spicy result ready in December. We have been told by various people that these chilies are extremely spicy, though maybe not as much as the local habaƱero peppers. However, there is a member of our

Monday Munchies: Taco Soup

Today is another warm recipe that is actually very similar tasting to chili, but also easy to make. Click the image to enlarge. This is a very basic with many ingredients, but they don't require much work. Here is the ingredient list. 1 pound ground meat 1 large onion 1 package Hidden Valley ranch mix 1 package taco spice 1 can pinto beans 1 can corn 1 can chili beans 2 cans Mexican flavor tomatoes (stewed or diced) 1 pint sour cream (optional) tortilla or frito chips (optional) 8 oz shredded cheddar (optional) Now, here is the first step.

Baby It's Cold Inside

With Christmas carols coming out of everything with a speaker this month, you are bound to get a few stuck in you head. Well, for me, I have a the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" in my head for some reason. Maybe it's because the song is so true at the moment. Argos protesting the cold weather, but refusing to use his blanket. Click to enlarge Now, I know that for everyone in the northern or eastern part of the United States, you would love to have my weather. Our average at the moment is around 45-50 degrees, but it will get

Test Your Knowledge 2: Christmas Quiz

With the Christmas season starting now, I thought it would be interesting to have a little pop quiz.  I found an online quiz about the Christmas story that I thought I would share to see what you know. Once you have taken the quiz, feel free to leave a comment below with the result or comment on Facebook.