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Baby It's Cold Inside

With Christmas carols coming out of everything with a speaker this month, you are bound to get a few stuck in you head. Well, for me, I have a the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" in my head for some reason. Maybe it's because the song is so true at the moment.
Argos protesting the cold weather, but refusing to use his blanket.

Click to enlarge
Now, I know that for everyone in the northern or eastern part of the United States, you would love to have my weather. Our average at the moment is around 45-50 degrees, but it will get
up to 60 at some point and 80 on a rare day! However, to me, this is freezing! [The 40º not the 80º 😉] Since a normal summer day for us is in the 90s or the 100s, we are about to freeze to death here! At the moment, I am wearing a t-shirt, a light hoodie, and a sweater all at the same time and am still chilled! Our dogs don't like the temperature change right now either, because it is both cold and rainy, which means they can't stay outside very long. We noticed that they both felt cold inside one night, actually, so we tried to give them covers like this.
Click to enlarge.
However, this last only an average of five minutes before they stand up and it falls off. We also tried to put on some doggie sweaters, which Bo doesn't mind much, but which Argos pulls off almost immediately. So, as you can see, neither I nor my dogs are particularly good at staying warm in the cold weather.

Just thought I would share the temperature around us right now and some funny pictures of my dogs. How is your weather right now? Feel free to leave a comment below or on Facebook with any thoughts or opinions you have.


  1. It is definitely "cold"! I don't miss the 100's from summer, but I wouldn't mind staying in the 70's and 80's for a while. And, those sure are some cute puppies!


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