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Last Vacation of the Year!

          After our Christmas celebration was over, my family and I had some work to do. We needed to prepare for a 4 day trip to see Braden at his new home in Dallas. The packing was a little difficult, as we were not sure of the weather because it keeps changing from the forecast. We decided to pack heavy with layers of clothing that could be removed as needed. The second issue was the dogs. We planned to take the 12 passenger white van we have so there would be plenty of room, but we needed to protect the seats from dirt and dog hair. To do so, we put a few old sheets across the benches so they would catch the dog hair; unfortunately, these sheets did not protect our clothes when the dogs decided to cuddle!
Bo takes a nap with Mom in the back bench seat. Click the image to enlarge.
Click the image to enlarge.
          Haha! They loved to snuggle up close; especially Argos, who would leave his half of the
bench seat empty to lay on my lap. After the long, ten-hour trip was over, we had arrived! Unfortunately, the apartments did not allow dogs, so Mom and Dad went to find a nice motel they could stay at with the dogs. After they got back, we gave Braden his gifts, only one day late. ;) August and I had decided to sleep at Braden's apartment on air mattresses, while Mom and Dad went back to the motel. The next day, we had our annual Christmas Sorry! tournament (If you don't remember what our Sorry! tournament is, look in this old post I wrote on it: We had brought the board game and the prizes (Hershey Kisses) with us just for this event. Afterwards, we went to walk around the Pioneer Plaza located near the center of Dallas.
Click the image to enlarge.
           I was excited for this because, while I have been to large cities, I don't remember them very well. I loved seeing the huge buildings surrounding the park, and watching the dogs chase squirrels up the trees! The third day we were in Dallas, we decided to wander around to give the dogs a chance to be out of their crate and stretch their legs. After relaxing throughout the morning, we ate lunch then picked up the dogs and went to the local PetSmart. I like looking at the fish and dogs, and Argos made a new friend with one of the puppies in the doggie-day-care. That night we visited the church Braden attends, New Heights Baptist Church, that was one hour away. When we returned, we had to pack up everything we had in Braden's apartment and stay at the motel. This was because we were leaving early the next morning and Braden had to leave even earlier for work. Thursday morning we woke up early and piled into the car for the ten-hour trip back home.
            All-in-all I had a great time on the trip. I enjoyed seeing my brother after a few months of him being gone, and I was interested in seeing a large city of Texas. I hope you enjoyed seeing our trip to Dallas from my view, and feel free to leave comments below or on Facebook.


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