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A Day In the Life of Me: 10 Years from Now

I have another literary piece from school today, but this time it is a paper that I had to write for English class. My teacher gave the assignment to write a short composition, one paragraph, on what I think my life will be like in the future. I was to write it from a specific point of view, but not state outright what I was trying to imply. Thus, I would need to write hints at what job I have, but not state "I am a..."  Because I am thinking of studying to be a graphic designer, I was to think about what life as a graphic designer might entail for me.
So, without further ado, here is a day in the life of me:

I am walking through my house in my pajamas, sipping a steaming cup of tea. Wafting from the mug is the sharp aroma of cinnamon and fragrant herbs. While trying to avoid smacking into walls and furniture, I squint at the phone screen in front of me incredulously. Yet another email from Percy Hogan with even more changes to a project that should have been done days ago. He says the designs I make are "wonderful" and "more than expected", but there are always more changes the following day. Trying to put him out of mind, I walk to the kitchen and grab the bagels from the toaster where they were heating. While spreading cheese on top, I hear the "click clack click" of my dog scrambling down the stairs to beg for food. I take the plate and tea and head to my laptop in the living room, my "office." There is a desk in the corner, but for now I just grab the laptop off the pile of papers it was on and head to the couch. Pushing my dog out of my spot, I settle into a corner of the couch, adjusting pillows to make a laptop rest and hold my plate. Slowly, I start to sift through the endless jumble of pictures on Google, looking for some inspiration for my latest project. I have sketched part of the design using my graphic tablet, but have hit a block with the rest. Leaving a half-eaten bagel on my plate, I lean closer to the screen to look. This will be perfect! A little cutting here and maybe some color changes there, but altogether what I need exactly. Hey! Get back here, Gigi! Don't you eat that; I said don't eat it! Bad dog! Gigi, why do you do this every day? I take the dog-slobber-covered, half-gnawed bagel and dump it in the trash, and head back to the laptop to start my day.

 Well, there you have it; that was my view of the future. I hope you enjoyed this post, and feel free to leave a comment below or on Facebook.


  1. Doesn't sound like a bad day at all! Well, except for the dog-slobber-covered, half-eaten bagel!

  2. Melissa A. FreemanApril 3, 2017 at 1:58 PM

    But this story is so sad! You wasted a bagel? Not good, not good at all. Very sad story, Addie Grace. ;)


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