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My Senior Trip

So, we recently went on my senior trip to Corpus Christi. We had four main activities planned: horse riding, visit a turtle rescue, the U.S.S. Lexington, and the Texas State aquarium.
My souvenirs from the trip. Click to enlarge.
The first day we went to a local horse riding stable (on South Padre Island) and got a two hour ride. Even the trip to the stables was interesting, as you can see from the pictures below.
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While waiting for the horses to be fed and saddled, we met the other inhabitants of the stable/ petting zoo.
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While we were in the area we visited a local turtle rescue, which had large pools and tanks filled with different sea turtles. The photos of the turtles did not turn out, but you can see the nice stone turtle statuette I bought in the souvenir photo above. The horse stable was, unfortunately, not close to all the other activities, (being on South Padre Island), so after we were done in the area, we went back to the car for a three hour trip to Corpus Christi. Fortunately, we had something interesting to visit on the way, and made a pit stop at the Bass Pro shop to explore. They had a lot of interesting products and some "furry friends" scattered around the store.
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We then finished driving and got settled in our motel until the next day. The second activity was the Texas State Aquarium.
A lion fish. Click to enlarge.
We saw all sorts of animals here, not all of them fish!
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Number 1 is a duck standing on one foot, watching as the people passed by. Number 2 is a sloth; apparently, we were lucky to see him moving about! His keeper said he normally would be asleep curled up somewhere, and when we returned later, he was nowhere to be seen. Number 3 is the silhouette of a shark above us. There was a glass tunnel walkway underneath the shark exhibit; however, capturing a photo proved difficult as the sharks don't stop moving. Number 4 I think were called garden eels, and I just thought they were very odd, poking their heads out of the sand and swaying with the current.
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There was a dolphin show that we watched, which was one of my favorite parts of this visit. I could not take photos during the show, because the keepers told us we were in the "splash zone," and I did not want to get my phone wet. It was probably good I did not have my phone out, because we did get rather wet!
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There were various shows at the aquarium, such as the dolphin show and feeding frenzy, but there was also a short 15 minute movie we watched. It was 4-D, meaning 3-D with effects like bubbles floating around or water sprayed in your face. ☺ After we were done at the aquarium, we had some time left in the day to visit a local park on the shore.
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The next day was the last, and we went to visit the aircraft-carrier USS Lexington.
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Number one is August and I posing with a mannequin barber in the Lexington; number two is me sitting on an anti-aircraft gun. Number 3 is a photo shoot with me as the gunner; number four is August in one of the old planes looking at the hundreds of switches and dials.
A sign we found on one of the levels. Click to enlarge
Sorry for the poor quality photo, I thought it came out better. If you can't read it, here is what it says:
When a sailor finds a safety concern on board a U.S. Navy ship, he is encouraged to drop a written report (signed or not) in a box like this. One young sailor chose to sign his report "Anonymous," but spelled it a-n-y-m-o-u-s-e. Since then, hazard report boxes have been marked "Any Mouse."
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 After we were done with the Lexington, it was time for the drive home. Actually, I slept and Mom and August drove. :) All in all I had a great time and wish I could do it again. If you have any comments, feel free to leave them below or on Facebook!


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