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Five Lessons In, Only 165 More To Go!

School started for me on September 8, last Tuesday. I managed to survive that wonderful experience that is the first week of school, and thought, "Why not share the school experience I am having with everyone else?" 

 Actually, school is not that bad, yet. I am in 11th grade this year, so it definitely is not going to be as easy as that peach pie we made the other day, but, I am not taking any super hard courses at least. The classes I am taking this year are: Bible (Jesus and His Followers 1st semester and then Life Management 2nd semester), Business Math, Blogging (for dummies), Read More...

English [Grammar, American Literature and Vocabulary-Spelling-Poetry V], United States History Heritage of Freedom, and Keyboarding/Document Processing. The Bible class and History class are taught by one of our favorite teachers, Pastor McBride. He definitely has strict expectations, but is very funny, and continuously makes class interesting with jokes and illustrations. Mom teaches my blogging class, reading through the book and writing down assignments for me. My business math teacher is the same as last year, Mr. Dickson. He teaches Consumer Math, my math class last year. My English teacher is Mrs. Baker. My brothers and I have never had her before, and I guess she is all right.  All in all, I guess school will be alright this year. At least I'm not taking Precalculus or Physics like my brother, August, is. He said on Friday that he came close to failing his first quiz in pre-Cal. And he's the one who asked to take the class!

So, what are/were your favorite classes in school? What class(es) did you absolutely hate?


  1. My favorite classes in school were English and Spanish. As far as those that I did not enjoy: anything math or science related! :)

    1. I'm with you on not liking math, but the only part of language I really like is Literature reading. ;-)

  2. I loved English Literature but, the grammar part...not so much. I loved Math right up till I had to take Algebra. I think my absolute favorite was Chorus....I do love to sing.


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