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On the Road Again, I Just Can't Wait...

 First off I just want to say sorry for taking so long on a new post for my blog. Also, I will be posting fewer posts a week than before. Next, I want to say, "Surprise road trip!" On the fourth of September, Read More...

we woke up like normal, and set about doing chores after breakfast. Somewhere in the course of some chores on the computer, Mom came across an advertisement from Six Flags, a popular theme park. It said something to the effect of "Sixty percent off the normal price of our Gold Season Passes." The Gold pass is the highest level pass you can buy at Six Flags, and is normally $160 . Now, it is $64. That works out to cost less for the highest level season pass than if you were to pay for the lowest level season pass, called the Thrill Pass, which costs $69.  If you are interested in going to a Six Flags in the NEXT TWO DAYS, (Sept. 6 and Sept. 7, 2015) here is a link to the site.

Anyways, my brother, August, has been talking about his Senior trip--some kind of celebration at the end of the school year next May to celebrate his high school graduation.  And, ironically, he had chosen a day up at Six Flags.  So, Mom talked to Dad and us kids and we decided this would be the perfect time to pick up the tickets, and have our End Of Summer Bash. Surprise!

Six Flags stated we would have to go in person to pick up the passes before November 1st, and school starts Tuesday, so we talked and decided to wake up at 6:00am the next morning and hit the road. We used our big white van, and the seats went like this: Dad was driving, Mom was in the passenger seat, the dogs got the first bench seat, I took the second, and August took the third, final bench seat. Argos claimed the dogs' seat most of the time, like a big bully.

 But Bo would come sit with me.

After a long, long 4 hour drive we got there finally, after a few pit stops.

Pit stop at a town called Muy Grande in Freer, TX. It was not that big.
We made it! This is a pic of the water park there.
You should have seen the parking lot after we were there a couple hours. That entire area in the photo, and much, much more, was filled with a sea of cars. The lines at the rides were so long, we were there for five hours and got four rides in.

This is one of the newest additions to the park.
We tried to go to this ride first, but after waiting in line and getting about a third of the way there, they said they were having technical difficulty. We could see the difficulty, a roller coaster car was stuck partway up the track! They had called the maintenance, but were not sure how long it was going to take. They encouraged us to leave and ride other rides and come back later. So, that is what we did. We were less than happy to notice that about five minutes later, the ride was functioning just fine, but the line was longer than ever. Mom did not feel like riding the Batman ride, so while we were in line, she bought a drink. We even got free drink refills at any food vendor, and some of them had over 100 flavors of drink! The list of drinks we had is: Lemonade, Mellow Yellow, Root Beer with Vanilla, Mr. Pib and Powerade.

We were even able to try one of Mom's favorites: Mr. Pib.

August, Momma and I at the park.
 Now, I do not  know about you guys, but I personally do not like roller coasters where your feet dangle over space rather than resting in a car. For a long time, I refused to ride those type coasters. However, the last time we visited Six Flags, a few years ago,  I let August talk me into riding one of those type roller coaster. It is called the Goliath, and is the tallest ride in the park.

I found out it was actually pretty fun and this year I decided I was going to try it again. However, I did not really remember it that well. What I had not noticed or remembered from the first time was that, first, the loading area of the roller coaster was about fifty feet off the ground, which is on par with the second highest part of the track. You could reach out and high five a person riding the coaster if you timed it right.I do not like heights. The second problem was that it was a feet-dangeling-over-space roller coaster. So I ask you a question: Why was I getting on that roller coaster? I was shaking a little bit as we were waiting to board the cars, but, like always, the jitters I felt went away right after we started racing down the first drop. After a long day at the park, we trekked back to the car and started the long, long ride home. We wanted a some special treat on the way, so we stopped at McDonald's and bought a burger, fries and a milkshake. I had been craving a McDonald's milkshake for a while, and I got chocolate, of course. August even gave me his cherry from the top of his because he does not like cherries.

It was so good, I forgot to take a picture until it was almost gone!
The dogs were hyper and hot when we got in the van to go home, but that wore off quickly.

So, we got home at about 10:30pm last night, and got to sleep close to 11:15. I woke up today at 7:00 to get ready for church, and hit my head ( very hard ) on the top bunk. But we are home, and now we can go back to Six Flags whenever we want through 2016.  I can't wait until my brother graduates!  On the road again, I just can't wait.....

Have you ever visited Six Flags?  What's your favorite coaster?


  1. Sounds like a good time was had by all. I'm really happy for you.

  2. Good trip. A long trip, but a good trip. Looking forward to NEXT time, when we go in the middle of the week so the lines will hopefully be shorter. And we get to stay a little longer, so we don't have to drive 8-9 hours in a single day!


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