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PCC Campus Post: [insert comma]

The last week has been a hectic one. From Monday to Friday, our church held VBS for about 40 kids. The experience was... interesting. I was told to be more of a student than a helper this year, as last year I did not participate too much in class time and activities for all the monitoring that needed done. This year was a little better, and I was able to participate in the games and lesson time, while still watching over the unruly kids. We (in my family) are very tired from the running around, and from staying up late each night. All that being said, my post today is a little shorter than normal, not about food, and not written by me.
I have borrowed another PCC Campus Post blog post off of their website. This one was
written by Cory on May 6, 2016. I believe it holds a lesson for all of us, and not just college kids, so here it is.

While editing, I often find that I need to insert a comma or two to add clarity to a sentence. Without commas, a sentence can slur together, making it difficult for the reader to understand. Commas provide a good break, allowing the reader to take a moment to collect his thoughts before finishing the sentence.
Like sentences need commas, our lives need breaks, too. Let's face it, we're all busy here at college. Whether it be academics, work, sports, choirs, or other extracurricular events, our activity planners are crammed full of things we need to do before the semester ends. And as the days before Commencement get fewer and fewer, we find that more and more projects have been coming due, final games and performances are coming up, and of course studying for final exams.
Now, while we obviously need to finish strong, we also need to take time to breathe. If not, we get lost in a chaotic scramble of checking things off lists, and we lose focus of the reason of why we're actually here.
One of the best ways to take a break from life is spending time alone with God. Think about it: when was the last time you took time out of your busy life to talk to God or meditate upon His Word? If you are like me, you might find this difficult. It's not that we don't have time, it's just that we don't often make time since there just seems to be so many other things we need to be done.
But wait a minute! Why should we discard our greatest hope and comfort when we need it most? Jesus told His disciples: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Even though we all live really busy lives, wouldn't it be wise to make time for God, Who is the only One Who can carry us through these hectic times? Finish strong this semester, but don't forget to take time off to breathe and spend time with God. He'll carry you through!
If you want to read the original post on the site, you can click here.


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