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The Best Alarm Clock

So, a few days ago I was wrestling with one of my dogs, Argos. He loves to play tug-of-war with a knotted rope, so I decided to indulge him for a few minutes before heading back to school. After a few minutes, I was going to leave him and head back, but then I noticed August was not up and about yet. He goes to work at 8:30, but he had not gotten moving yet. Thus, I transferred dog-duty to August by running into his room and tossing the rope on August's back. (He was lying on his bed.) Following his toy, Argos came charging into the room and started sniffing around August's bed. He knows he is not allowed on it, but his toy is up there! So, he joined August for a little nap.
Soon, the rope is forgotten and Argos finds a comfortable spot to settle down in. When August
gets up to leave, Argos resists moving and tries to claim the whole bed for himself.
He especially loves the big fluffy pillows to press his head into. Argos looked like he would be happy to stay there all day, but we made him get off soon after because he tends to rip the sheets with his paws. I am sure Bo would have loved to join Argos on the bed, but they tend to wrestle over the extra fluffy parts like pillows and blankets. Have your pets ever done something just plain silly? I am always happy to hear about it through Facebook or the comment section below.


  1. They certainly are good alarm clocks! Want to just hide under the covers? They'll bit your head THROUGH the covers! No way to avoid them. Once you've been spotted, you ARE getting up!

  2. And so the theme of this story is: get up on time.


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