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Looking to the Future

Well, I have been talking a lot about the ACT test, so I thought I would share with you my plans for the future. The reason I had to take the ACT test was so that I could apply to the Pensacola Christian College, or PCC.
Pensacola Christian College
My mom and I spent an hour this morning on filling out one of application forms, the shorter of the two, apparently. On this form, it asked me what I plan to major in at the college. The answer I put was Graphic Design. The definition for graphic design given by PCC is this:

Today’s graphic designers use their skills to help develop a wide variety of graphic media for products and services such as books, magazines, clothing, packaging, posters, websites, logos, and much more. With PCC’s graphic design concentration, students learn proven design principles and techniques that can be applied to nearly any venue. 

This basically means that I would be able to make anything from book covers, t-shirt designs, to the big billboard ads on the side of the road. I would design the pattern, or wording, and then that design could be used on anything. The reason this major appeals to me, is that I have recently started making posts for some verses on our church Facebook page. I find a pretty picture, format it, type up the verse, format that, and make it look natural in an environment that matches the theme of the verse. Here are some examples of my work.
Click to enlarge.
This verse says "Psalm 19:9-10 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb."(KJV)
Click to enlarge.
A quote by John Goetsch:"What controls you? The allure of the world; the apathy of Christians; the accusations of Satan; or the approval of God?" The top sign says "God" and the bottom says "the world."
Click to enlarge.
This verse from Proverbs 10:19 says: "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin, but he that refraineth his lips is wise."
   I know...they are all in Spanish. And when I go to college--if I take this course-- they would not be in Spanish. However, everyone here speaks Spanish, and thus these need to be in a language people can easily understand. It does not mess with my formatting anything, and indeed, it has helped me find how to do things that I did not know before. I know things about the software that my Dad, who has had it for years, does not know. I just piddle around and click on buttons until it makes what I want. I can make a forest with a space-scene sky. I can make Han Solo fight dragons. I can make words fit in a picture that had no space before, but I made space. I have a lot of fun doing these things, and thus I think graphic design would be a good choice in college for me. Hope these last few posts have provided some insight in what I like to do, and the career choice I might make.


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