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Showing posts from 2015

Taking Down the Christmas Decorations

We are now ready to start taking down the "Christmas tree ornaments." If you remember, about two months ago I wrote a post talking about my family already having some Christmas ornaments up. ( ) I was of course talking about the orange tree that had begun to bear some green fruit. Now, two months later, the oranges are finally turning orange. Like I said before, I find it humorous that God gives us perfect little "Christmas ornaments" that change color and come off the tree when Christmas is over!

Saturday Sweetly: Junk Fudge

More fudge! I told you last week I would share another fudge recipe, and here it is. This is the family favorite here, everyone loves this recipe even more than last week's fudge recipe. Click to enlarge Despite it's name, this recipe is not junk. It is actually very similar to

Countdown to Christmas

Saturdat Sweetly: Chocolate Fudge

MMM, Fudge! I love fudge. Maybe because it is pure sugar rush, maybe because it is chocolate; I don't know. What I do know is that this is one of my favorite recipes, and it is so simple! Click to Enlarge Now, right off the bat, I am going to lay the ingredients on you. Are you ready? I am

After Eden: More Than Christmas

Saturday Sweetly: Monster Cookie

This is one MONSTER of a cookie! Do you like chocolate and peanut butter? If you do, make this cookie! Click to Enlarge I love this  recipe, as does everyone in my family. It is a huge amount of sugary, chocolatey sweetness. It might even give you a heart attack....just kidding! Here are

My Christmas Traditions

Everyone has their traditions for the holidays. On Thanksgiving, people generally watch football and yell at the tv; on Fourth of July, people have cookouts and eat hamburgers and hotdogs. Today, I am going to share with you the traditions my family has for the Christmas Season of the year. Click To Enlarge So, the first tradition we have is putting up the Christmas tree. Everyone does

Saturday Sweetly:Oatmeal Cinnamon Raisin Cookie Bars

Today, I am going to share with you a simple cookie recipe that I love, even with the raisins in it! Click to Enlarge I am normally not a huge fan of raisin cookies (even if my Mom makes the best in

My Book-Reading Hobby

Today I'm going to talk with you briefly about books. I know a lot of people don't like to read a lot, or even a little! My brother, August, is one of those type people: he can play a video game for hours, but just picking up a reading book seems to give him a headache. I, however, love books. I could read books for hours, and I sometimes do! Here's an example of some of the books I like to read. Click To Enlarge Not really a matching set is it? I have a wide variety of tastes, from mythology to

Saturday Sweetly: Pumpkin Cheesecake

Today I have for you one of my brother's favorites. Click to enlarge As we were fixing this recipe earlier, August walked into the room and looked at the

Happy Thanksgiving! Don't Forget to Remember

Over the years, the last Thursday of November has changed from "Happy Thanksgiving" to "Happy Turkey Day!" This shows me that people have forgotten the true meaning of the Thanksgiving holiday. While it is fine to get together and eat a lot of food, there is also another reason for the holiday, written right in its name. Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks. When the first Thanksgiving Day was held with the Pilgrims and Indians, they got together, not only to eat food, but to express their thanks to God for providing them with help through the coldest winter they had known. So, this Thanksgiving, don't forget to remember the true meaning of the holiday: giving thanks. CLICK TO ENLARGE Here are a few things I am thankful for. Feel free to leave a few things you are thankful for in the comment section below, or on Facebook. Salvation Family to spend time with Safety in our area Plenty of food, and for my Mom teaching me how to cook A warm house

Monday Munchies: Pecan Crescent Cookies

I have a special cold weather treat for you today. It really has nothing to do with autumn/winter, other than the fact that it looks snow dusted. And, living in Texas, we have to make our snow since it does not fall from the sky. So, the recipe I am going to share with you is this: I love these cookies because they are so sweet and sugary. Our little helper,

Saturday Sweetly: Apple Sour Cream Coffee Cake

Today, I have for you a taste of the season with an Apple Sour Cream Coffee Cake. Here is a quick view of the recipe. Click the image to make it larger. The first step is to have all your ingredients at room temperature. The next step is

Alicia Hobbies

Recently I had the chance to help a friend from church make her own blog. On it, she sells many handmade products, just a few of which are: aprons, flower arrangements, scarves,  and many other  items.  She also has many beautiful Thanksgiving items. Check it out at Alicia Hobbies .  This is one of her Thanksgiving items. It is decor you hang on your stove handle for $10.00

Mujeres de Esperanza/ Saturday Sweetly

Today is a special Saturday. Today we, the women of Iglesia Bautista Esperanza , had another fellowship, and I have a delicious recipe "approved" by the women. This is another quick-bread recipe, our homemade Pumpkin quick-bread.  So, here are the ingredients you will need for this recipe: 3 cups sugar 1 cup oil 4 eggs, beaten 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin

Happy Birthday Braden!

Today is my brother Braden's birthday. Happy birthday Braden! My brother and I over the years.

Día de los Muertos

 As you all well know, Halloween was just couple days ago, on the 31st of October. Here in the Valley, Halloween is celebrated along side another holiday called "Día de los Muertos," or Day of the Dead.  Here is an explanation of the traditional celebration of this holiday. At first glance, the Mexican custom of the Día de Muertos — the Day of the Dead —

Saturday Sweetly: Going Bananas

You might have guessed from the title of today's post were are making something banana related. And we are; I am going to give you the recipe for a quick and easy banana bread. Normally, I do not like bananas. I find their mushiness very unappetizing. Banana bread, however, I

¡Feliz, Feliz Cumpliaños! Mi Quinceñera

So my birthday was a couple weeks ago on the sixteenth. If you read my previous post on my brother's birthday , you know that each birthday we, the celebrated persons, get to choose the food and activities on the weekend closest to the actual day. Well, mine got pushed a little late due to chores and church activities that needed done, but I did not mind waiting one extra week. Makes me more excited for the gifts! Speaking of gifts, I got one from each person of my family. From August, I received a small bag of my favorite chips. My birthday gift from August. From Braden, I got a promise to take me to the first theater showing of the

Saturday Sweetly

In today's post of Saturday Sweetly, I will be sharing with you a Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheesecake recipe. This is actually a very simple recipe, but does take a chunk of time to bake. Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheescake So, these are the ingredients you will need:

Prepping for Christmas

Some of our ornaments are already out and hung on a tree in preparation for Christmas. And we have some premium ornaments, too; they change colors during the months! They start off a nice dark green that blends in with the leaves around them, and slowly melt into a bright orange color. If you have not figured it out yet, we have some orange trees in our orchard, and they are already preparing to give my family some fruit. Seems to me like a sense of humor by God to give us such pretty ornaments that turn orange during Christmas months!

Saturday Sweetly

In today's Saturday Sweetly, we will be making a do-nothing cake. This is a pineapple-flavored cake with a salty/sweet nut topping. So, as always, the first step is to preheat your oven, this time to 350ºF. These are the ingredients for

Zoo day

We recently took a trip to the Gladys Porter Zoo with some friends. We spent about half the day in the zoo, then went to a picnic area/ playground nearby and had lunch and some fun. If you want to see more photos of our trip, check them at Iglesia Bautista Esperanza's Facebook page here. Have any funny zoo experiences? Feel free to share them with me through Facebook or the blog's comment section.

Saturday Savory

Here I am again, with another savory meal item for you. And it is chicken, too! What can I say, I love chicken. Anyways, today I give you the recipe for Worcestershire-marinated chicken breasts. To start off you will need boneless, skinless chicken breasts, Worcestershire sauce, a bowl to marinade in and a sharp knife to butcher the meat.  Seasoning for the chicken includes: Salt, pepper, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce. You will most likely need to trim some fat off the chicken, and also watch out for little pieces of

Annual Church Picnic 2015

Sorry this post is coming out so late in the day; I am still new to a lot of features on Picasa and spent a lot of time playing with some features on it to make this video. This is just some of the pictures from a church picnic we had on Saturday. If you would like to see the rest of the photos, feel free to check them out at .

Saturday Savory

I got busy preparing for the picnic (my next post will cover that) so I am sorry this is a little late. Anywho, there's no sweets in today's post, but I am going to share with you the best pulled chicken in Texas! To start the process, you will need one whole chicken. You need to "give it a bath" as my Mom calls it, which means take out all the giblets, and rinse the chicken well (inside and out). Next, place it in a crock pot with enough water to cover it and turn the heat on low. After cooking the chicken for about 6-8 hours on low, it is going to be falling apart.Next,you need to take out the bones, gristle and fat and, this is the hard part, shred up the meat without eating it all! Some people like it shredded in almost a mush, and others like it long and stringy like spaghetti. Now your chicken is ready for two things. You can either put it in the freezer and keep it until you need it, or

Ask Hermana Martha, ¡otra vez!

I have now learned something new for my jewelry-making hobby. In my last post I received help from Hermana Martha in cutting down the length of my too-large bracelet. You can see that bracelet and some earrings I made here . Now, recently I have gone again to Hermana Martha to ask for help on a necklace. This necklace was a prototype of mine, and I found that it is not really suitable wire to work well. The problem was that I chose a thick wire that is very stiff and stays bent where you bend it. This was a problem

Sunday Sugarly: Muffins and Cookies

First off, I want to say sorry for taking a little bit longer on my Saturday Sweetly post this week. I did get a nice photo of some yummy iced cookies out of the delay, however. This Saturday I helped make some Apple Cinnamon Cheesecake muffins and some yummy homemade gingerbread cut-out cookies. We will start with the cookies. In one bowl, you add and combine the following ingredients:    2 1/4 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

Mujeres de Esperanza / Women of Hope

This is my project. Mom and Hermana Maria helped me with the colors. So, I did not get around to any kitchen work today, as I was pressed on time from school. However, I did have a great time at our monthly Women's Fellowship at church. If you would like to see the pictures of the Fellowship, feel free to check them out at Iglesia Bautista Esperanza's Facebook page .

Five Lessons In, Only 165 More To Go!

School started for me on September 8, last Tuesday. I managed to survive that wonderful experience that is the first week of school, and thought, "Why not share the school experience I am having with everyone else?"   Actually, school is not that bad, yet. I am in 11th grade this year, so it definitely is not going to be as easy as that  peach pie we made the other day, but, I am not taking any super hard courses at least. The classes I am taking this year are: Bible (Jesus and His Followers 1st semester and then Life Management 2nd semester), Business Math, Blogging (for dummies), Read More...

Saturday Sweetly

Every Saturday there is the task of cooking the yummies for the weekend. Sometimes it will be a savory meal, like pasta salad, and sometimes it will be the sweets, like cheesecake or pies. However, every week I try to find time to help Mom cook in the kitchen, at least for an hour or so. I helped her today with the sweets for the weekend, and every Saturday I help I will share the recipe(s) of the day. Today, we made a peach pie with a crumble topping, and some home made zucchini quick bread. We started with the pie, because it could cook while we prepared the bread. For the pie all you need is a pie shell and peach pie filling, and for the crumble topping all you need is one stick of butter (1/2 cup), a package of graham crackers, and 1/2 cup of sugar. You can either place the pie filling in the pie, then work on the crumble, or vice versa. Just make sure to preheat your oven to 425ºF. (We made the crumble first.) To make the crumble, you Read More...

On the Road Again, I Just Can't Wait...

 First off I just want to say sorry for taking so long on a new post for my blog. Also, I will be posting fewer posts a week than before. Next, I want to say, "Surprise road trip!" On the fourth of September, Read More...

My Crosstitching Hobby

Last birthday I got a cross stitch pattern with a boxer design. It was a picture of a blonde boxer with a short muzzle and a white streak on its nose. Now, here's a photo of the boxer dog we got a little while after my Mom ordered the pattern. Read More...

My Pet Rocks

A few months ago, during the spring, we had a project at the Ladies Fellowship. We were going to make our own pet rocks. Well, not exactly. The project was to make a "garden buddy" by painting an oval rock to look like a ladybug. Everyone did excellent at painting theirs, and now we each have a yellow ladybug garden buddy.The other day, however, I decided I wanted a red ladybug. So, I found a rock, got out the paint and newspaper, and set to work. Now I have two buddies to keep me company, although I keep mine in my room and not a garden.                                                                                                                                                                            My two little "garden" buddies.   If you want to know how to make these cute little pet rocks, here are some instructions. Step 1: Find a nice, round or oval rock and clean off all loose dirt. Step 2: Gather black, yellow and red paint, a black sharpie,

When In Doubt, Ask Hermana Martha

Recently I took up the hobby of jewelry making. My Nana Edelen said she had some tools and beads she was giving away, and it sparked my interest so I took it to mess around with. It's very interesting, though I had no idea what to do when I first got it. I found some instructions on a box, and just sat and thought a little bit on the rest of it. I eventually made some earrings and gave them away to a friend at church. Read More... These are the earrings I made for a friend at church.

Why Am I So Sweet?

Some of you may have been wondering why I called my blog Sweet Adeleine. Well, here is a video showing the origin of the phrase "Sweet Adeleine," which is, of course, my name.

And Many More!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear August, Happy Birthday to you! For those of you who might not have known, today was my brother August's birthday. Every birthday, the person being celebrated gets to choose everything from foods to activities on the weekend closest to the special day. I'm not going to go into the details of every minute of our weekend, but I am going to show you some of the fattening foods and the (sometimes boring) games we had fun with.   Read More... Double-decker brownie pizza with marshmallows,oreos,and M&Ms melted on top.

My New Blog

This is my new blog about my life. While for now this is going to be a diary-like blog, I hope one day that this will be a cooking blog. For now, though, this will be a text-and-picture blog of my everyday life. This is me from May 10, 2015.